The Intuition Incubator

The Intuition Incubator is a place where you can find yourself in a community of fellow travellers, each here for their own reasons, each here to deepen their connection to their Inner Wisdom. We all have a different path, and I am not here to map yours for you. In this community, you will be invited to discover your own path. There are many ways through this beautiful life we're given, and no one right way. In respect to ourselves, in respect to others, and with a clear intention to contribute to everyone's growth, you are all welcome here.

What can I expect in the live sessions?

  • Each group session will start with a grounding and connecting meditation so we "come into circle" with each other.
  • I will likely share an Oracle card or two.
  • We will have a theme each month that you will be invited to explore in our discussions. You will be awed by the Wisdom that comes through from this sharing!
  • Meditations and practices will help you connect more deeply with your intuition and your own inner wisdom.
  • Group healings will clear densities, patterns, stories and emotions that may be holding you back.
  • On occasion, you will be treated to a personal live energy reading/activation on the call.
  • You will have the opportunity each call to share whatever you are learning and discovering, what shifts you are noticing, and any stumbling blocks and challenges you're facing.
  • All calls plus additional meditations and practices will be recorded and held on the platform for you to access any time.

This Incubator will allow you to deepen your own intuitive capacity, explore themes and topics from an intuitive and energetic perspective, and have practical ways to use your developing intuition in your life. 

There are two tiers available:

  • The Incubator Tier gives you access to the community, the live calls and all of the recordings. £55 per month (concessions available simply by asking)
  • The Supercharged Incubator Tier adds to the above a personalised recording each month that will bring through a healing or activation for you to work with through the month. £66 per month
  • You are welcome to move across tiers as you feel to. Just ask!

We are currently settled into a predictable pattern of meeting days and times. This is currently set to three Mondays per month at 16:30-18:00 GMT until we have someone join us from a time zone that doesn't work with this time. At that time, I will spread the three meetings across two different times each month so that every member can attend 1-2 meetings in their time zone each month.

Please note that participation in The Intuition Incubator community is subject to having a private conversation with Suzanne Gamache first. Please do not enrol in the program until you have spoken to me. Thank you for your understanding and commitment to fostering a meaningful and purposeful experience within The Intuition Incubator.

8 Modules

Upcoming Call Dates & Times

You can find our upcoming call dates and times here. When they are hyperlinked, you can get them into your own calendar automatically, and in your own time zone.

Healing Money Blocks

Healing money blocks is so important for everyone I've ever met. It seems to be a life-long process, as the energy of money has been made so dense from cultural beliefs, family experiences, socio-economic structures that don't serve you, the list goes on....

Modules for this product 8
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Payment Options

 The Incubator Tier
 £55.00 GBP  ( then £55.00 GBP a month )
 Supercharged Incubator Tier
 £66.00 GBP  ( then £66.00 GBP a month )

How do you want to pay?

Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

Please note that participation in The Intuition Incubator program is subject to having a private conversation with Suzanne Gamache. It is important to me to build a cohesive community of like-hearted people. For that reason, please do not enrol in the program until you have had this conversation.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to fostering a meaningful and purposeful experience within The Intuition Incubator.

By joining the Intuition Incubator, I understand that I will be billed monthly until I decide to cancel my membership. Membership runs on a month-to-month basis and I know that I can come and go as I feel to. I understand that once I make payment, my commitment is binding for that month. I also understand that under the new business paradigm, strict rules and terms of service give way to collaborative conversation. Thus, if I change my mind after any payment goes through, I understand that I can reach out to Suzanne to discuss options to leave the community within the month.

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