Gifts of Healing

This is a library of free resources - mostly video and audio recordings - that are aimed at helping you along your Growth and Healing Journey back to wholeness. They are broken into modules to help you focus on the aspects or areas where you feel the most need for support at any given moment. As all of my work is Holistically oriented, you will find a variety of resources to help on a mind-body-emotion-spirit level. So, come join the rest of us on this journey. These resources will always be FREE to you, and I promise you won't start getting spammed by a million emails in the next three days. Just one to welcome you and then the occasional additional email to let you know when I drop in a new resource.

5 Modules

Clear Mind Practices

This is a great practice for when your mind is too busy or you're feeling overwhelmed, mentally exhausted, or in decision paralysis. I will develop more for you over time!

Heart Connect

Life is easier when we're loving and accepting ourselves fully. Here are two practices to help you connect to that energy right now. I'll develop more over time...

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Use these practices to help support you through difficult times. To start, I have just three recordings, but will develop more over time so keep checking back. In the meantime, any or all of these can be used daily!

Sleep Better, Feel Better

We all know the importance of sleep, but sometimes it can be elusive. Try creating a ritual in the evenings to support your Mind, Body and Soul to wind down in preparation for sleep. Reach out if you want my help in creating a ritual that works for you. These recordings can help...

Modules for this product 5

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