Heartrepreneur's Circle

The Heartrepreneur's Circle is included with the Blossoming and Flourishing tiers of the Soul Rising Sisterhood. It is also be offered to all genders outside the Sisterhood, so if you're not feeling to join the community, you will be very welcome to join the Heartrepreneur's Circle only.**

The Heartrepreneur's Circle is a three-month experience that will allow us to explore together all of the sticky issues and challenges of being a Heartrepreneur in the New Earth. Together, we are creating a whole new paradigm.

We will have three calls per month. The two Heartrepreneur's Circle calls will focus on the theme of the month. I will guide wisdom, healings and activations on the theme each month, and hold the space for deep conversation, exploration and sharing of our collective wisdom. 

The third call of the month will be the Wise Council, where you will each be able to sit in the Wisdom Seat to bring your questions and challenges, and receive Intuitive Wisdom from the other participants. Wise Councils will be open to Heartrepreneurs outside of our Circle as well, adding to the diversity of wisdom shared.

My guides have offered these three monthly themes for our first season together:

  • Heart Vision: In the container of our first month, we will explore the Heart Essence and the Blueprint of both the Heartrepreneur and her Giftness(es). We will work with the Heart, Third Eye and likely the Crown Chakras to deepen your knowing, your innerstanding, of how and perhaps who you're here to serve. For some, this month will clarify the bigger picture of your Giftness' soul path. For others, it may clarify more specifically your offerings within your Giftness.
  • Grounding the Vision: In the container of the second month, we will work with the lower chakras to ground the vision into the places where we meet our clients. We will likely work with themes of safety/capacity, pricing, receiving, money, and structures that support the yin flow. I sense that our Earth Star, Feet, Root and Sacral Chakras won't be the same after this second month!
  • Voicing the Vision: In our third and final month, we will work primarily with the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras to give voice to our gifts and our Giftness. We will likely work on themes around visibility and finding new language for this new age/new paradigm. "Marketing and Sales" will shift much more fully into higher vibrational consciousness around Connection, Communication and Invitation.

I will open the Heartrepreneur's Circle at least twice in these coming twelve months. We will begin our first season the week of 7 October. If you are ready to commit to the Circle, please let me know TODAY. The days and times of the calls will be decided once I know who's jumping in and where you live!

As we and our Giftnesses are evolving so quickly these days, I have no idea what the second season might look like. I may be guided to carry on with these same three themes, bringing us deeper in our exploration and growth, or I may be offered three new themes. I trust the unfolding and invite you to do the same.

If these themes speak to you, please hit reply to let me know that you're in for the first season! Here are the dates for this first season:
      Tuesday 8 October 16:00-17:30 BST
      Tuesday 15 October 16:30-18:00 BST
      Wise Council, choose between Monday 21 October at 18:30-20:30 BST OR Thursday 24 October at 8:30-10:30 BST

      Tuesday 5 November 16:00-17:30 BST
      Tuesday 12 November 16:00-17:30 BST
      Wise Council, choose between Monday 18 November at 18:30-20:30 BST OR Thursday 21 November at 8:30-10:30 BST

      Tuesday 3 December 16:00-17:30 BST
      Tuesday 10 December 16:00-17:30 BST
      Wise Council, choose between Monday 16 December at 18:30-20:30 BST OR Thursday 19 December at 8:30-10:30 BST

* Giftness is my new word for business. I have been endowed with some incredible gifts (as we all have), with a sacred calling to share them for the good of humanity and the good of our Earth Mother. My Giftness provides me the structure and support to do so. It's a Gift to me that supports me in bringing my Gifts to the world. See? Giftness. 🤩 🤩 🤩

** If you're joining the Heartrepreneur's Circle without joining the Sisterhood, the cost will be £333 for the three months and will include one private Giftness or Personal Akashic Records reading with me.

** One of these private sessions with me will also be offered to those in the Blossoming tier, for the first season you join the Heartrepreneur's Circle in any 12-month cycle.

** If you'd like to join the Heartrepreneur's Circle as part of the Blossoming or Flourishing tier of the Soul Rising Sisterhood, you can do that here.

All genders are welcome.

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 Heartrepreneur's Circle, PAY MONTHLY
 £ 111.00 GBP  ( then £111.00 GBP for 2 months )
 Heartrepreneur's Circle, PAY UPFRONT
 £ 333.00 GBP

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