The B Experience

This is for the early-stage business owner who needs intuition, strategy and money planning for success.

Created by Jannine Barron in 2020 and now facilitated by Suzanne Gamache, join the success stories of over 75 people who have been through this program in the last two years.



6 - 13 - 27    June 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

4 - 11 - 18      July 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

8 - 15 - 22    August 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

(If enough people from other time zones are interested in joining the Summer Season, I will add a second group. Days and times to be determined based on location of participants.)

An integral part of The B Experience is a separate 90 minute workshop on Business & Marketing Strategy with Jannine Barron, founder of The B Experience. This workshop is included in the price. The 2024 SUMMER SEASON Workshop date is Friday 26 July at 10:00-12:00 BST.

The B Experience is a holistic mentoring group of sole traders juggling business and life,
staying true to a prosperous vision while staying sane and making money and having a positive impact on the world.

You will be introduced to new frameworks to understand yourself and your business vision on a new dynamic level.

The sessions are designed as an anchor point for your personal and business regeneration. 

Our mission is to redefine success for the well-being of all. 

We explore W(h)ealth as the foundation of your business life journey. 

Healing and regeneration will magnify your impact and transcend outdated ways of BE-ing in business.

"This will shift your thinking in very powerful ways."

"The biggest benefit is growing a little every day, being mindful and connected"

"I am now able to navigate big decisions and know my path ahead is safe and supported."

The B Experience is facilitated by Suzanne Gamache

If you already know Suzanne and are ready to jump in, you can simply JOIN HERE 

The 2024 SUMMER DATES are: 

6 - 13 - 27    June 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

4 - 11 - 18      July 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

8 - 15 - 22    August 2024     9:00-10:30 BST

An integral part of The B Experience is a separate 90 minute workshop on Business & Marketing Strategy with Jannine Barron, founder of The B Experience. This workshop is included in the price. The 2024 SUMMER SEASON Workshop date is Friday 26 July at 10:00-12:00 BST.

(If enough people from other time zones are interested in joining the Summer Season, I will add a second group. Days and times to be determined based on location of participants.)

✶ FAQ ✶

*So what happens in the B Experience?

You take a breath, feel heard and then move forward with your goals without overwhelm.
This all happens with a new paradigm approach of intuition and personal growth.
All this personal preparation and support finally lead to that strong foundation for your business that you seek.
Once you are clear on your purpose, your manifesto and your strategy, you can grow and scale sustainably with less effort and great trust.

This is how you thrive in business. By slowing down to welcome in all that you seek.

We meet 3 weeks a month and rotate private sessions on the fourth week.
​You learn simple, intuitive strategies combined with our unique tools and framework.
A balanced combination of premium personal mentoring and a supportive community ensures the growth of your thriving and profitable business.​

Business Planning  & Mindset Mastery using our unique one-page system.

Start the month with planning, inspiration and focus to take you to the next step.
Productivity, time management, brand messaging and growing your audience/clients.​

The safe place for you to experience intuitive guidance and receive messages to help you move forward in your business.
Ideal for removing obstacles, money blocks, attracting ideal clients and increasing the clarity of your vision.

It’s all about you!
You get a spotlight where everyone in the group gives you their focus and feedback on a project, a programme or a problem you are working on.
The focus is on you. Accountability and collaboration, giving and receiving. We call it the HEARTSEAT.

WEEK 4 Monthly 121 WITH SUZANNE:
This is either your week off or your week to have your one to one.
Everyone gets one single private session on a 3-month plan for Personal Intuitive Business Strategizing or for Personal Intuitive Energy Healing. 

+ Business Strategy Workshop with Jannine Barron, business mentor and Founder of The B Experience.

+ A supportive community in our private SIGNAL GROUP offers extra support between sessions.

+ Bonus training will be offered on a needs basis.

+ The possibility of further private sessions at a discount.

*Who is this for?

Sole traders, business partners or micro business owners at any stage,
who want a powerful new paradigm for building business, and who often feel like they couldn’t normally afford mentoring support. 

*How long would I be in the group mentoring community if I join?

The minimum commitment is three months. This gives our community stability and consistency.
Some get everything they need in that single season and others stay on for a few more seasons to continue growing and integrating.
It is up to you!

*How much is it to join?

£383 per season (three months), paid in full up front or in three monthly installments of £128/ month (no vat).
This includes the three group sessions each month + one personal session per quarter​.

If you have questions or think you might like to join but don't know Suzanne, Book a call with me first.​
If you already know me and are ready to jump in, Join now.

*What day and time is the group held?

THURSDAY MORNINGS 9:00 am  - 10:30 am UK time.
If this time zone does not suit your country, please contact me and I will consider a second group in a new time zone.

*Can I opt in and out and just come the months I need?

We are building a community of support so we require a three-month commitment every time you join or renew.
Your presence at each meeting is important to your personal and business growth and serves the community best.

*Where do I sign up?

1 - If you know me and/or The B Experience already, you can simply Join Here
Our next Season starts on the 6th June 2024.

2 - If you are unfamiliar with The B Experience or have more questions, book your free personal call here.

The B Experience is for you if:

♡ You are a heart-led business owner who is looking to grow. What we all have in common is a clear purpose to make an impact for good in this world.​ 

♡ You want a different way. We call it an EXPERIENCE and we don't label it beyond 'B' so you can find your own place, pace and stride with the support you need.
You will be joining a small group of entrepreneurs and entering an intimate and empowering space. 

♡ You want to make a difference in the world, sustainably. Our members are Product Makers, Consultants, Service Providers, Coaches, Healers, Therapists, Company Owners...

'As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.' RUMI

This mentoring group is for the innovators, the changemakers, the pioneers, the disrupters and the protectors because ….

When you grow -  your business grows

When you heal - your family heals

When you regenerate - our community and planet regenerate


B is for Business

B is for Brave

B is for Brands

B is for Beautiful… and so much more.​

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